Weather forecast

Sunshine and some clouds after a freezing Saturday. Expect temperatures to stay well above 40 for the rest of the week. FOX 5 NY's Nick Gregory has your weather forecast.

Weather forecast

It was sunny today, although not exactly warm, thanks to the wind. Expect skies to remain clear this evening as temperatures drop below freezing, so bundle up! FOX 5 NY's Nick Gregory has your weather forecast.

NYC weather forecast

We were actually below average for temperatures on Thursday and Saturday looks cold too.

NYC weather

Temperatures are going to plummet for the start of the weekend.

NYC weather

Temperatures are going to plummet for the start of the weekend.

NYC weather

Temperatures are going to plummet for the start of the weekend.

NYC forecast

Temperatures are going to be more seasonable with some snow possible.

NYC forecast

Temperatures are going to be more seasonable with some snow possible.

NYC forecast

Temperatures are going to be more seasonable with some snow possible.

NYC weather

A look at your NYC weather forecast.

NYC weather

Temperatures are expected to bounce back after a colder start to the weekend.

NYC weather

The temperatures will drop for the weekend.

NYC weather

The temperatures will drop for the weekend.

NYC weather

The temperatures will drop for the weekend.

NYC weather forecast

Warm temperatures again today, and this is normally the snowiest week of the year!