Woman deals with aftermath of revenge porn | MY9 New Jersey

Woman deals with aftermath of revenge porn

For some people taking nude photos of themselves and sharing them with their lover to spice up their relationships is the norm. But what happens when the two break up? If the break is nasty, some take revenge, posting pornographic, intimate pictures taken during the relationship online to humiliate the other for the world to see. Revenge porn is not only growing, but it's become an epidemic completely unregulated in some places, including New York.

But it's getting more attention because social media has started cracking down on it. even if New York legislators have yet to pass a law prosecuting this specific crime.

Chasing News spoke with Anish Vora, a Jersey girl who never dreamed of being a porn star. She was moving from Plainsboro to Yardley, Pa.

Type in her name in Google and what comes up are nudes.

She met her boyfriend in sixth grade. They dated for a long time.

Eventually they broke up, and he started posting pictures at MyEx.com. She reported it, he was charged with harassment, a misdemeanor. But pictures of Vora continued to pop up, and she went back to police. This time he went to jail. Vora's ex-boyfriend was the first person in New Jersey charged with invasion of privacy in a revenge porn case.