Video: High-speed chase on I-75, man arrested | MY9 New Jersey

Video: High-speed chase on I-75, man arrested

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A high-speed chase broke out late Friday morning on I-75 in pursuit of a reckless driver in a stolen vehicle and ended with the vehicle flipping over and the driver and passenger peacefully surrendering to authorities. 

A driver, Shane Shifflett, provided FOX 5 his dashcam video of part of the pursuit, which spanned 20 miles and crossed through three counties. 

Authorities said the chase started around 10:46 a.m. in Lamar County off I-75, and ended at 10:55 a.m. on Highway 155 in Spalding County. 

Lamar County deputies said a patrolling officer spotted the car on the highway cutting across four lanes, and when the deputy tried to follow the vehicle and run the plate, it sped away. 

Shifflett tells FOX 5, the driver of the vehicle weaved recklessly in and out of traffic at high rates of speed, as deputies believe the driver reached up to 100 miles per hour at times. 

Authorities learned the 2014 black Chevy Impala was stolen in Henry County. 

"He was putting so many lives in danger," Shifflett said. "It shook the vehicle. It shook the vehicle beside me," he said.  

Deputies said they formed a blockade maneuver to keep other vehicles behind the chase.  

As the stolen car traveled up Highway 155, the driver lost control and the vehicle flipped over. The two people inside crawled out and peacefully turned themselves in.

The driver was identified as Justin Dwayne Rivers, who had an outstanding warrant for possession of amphetamines out of Spaulding County. He now faces more charges including attempting to elude, reckless driving and theft by receiving.   

The passenger, Angela Britt, was being held for questioning by Lamar County investigators.