Mayor Kriseman ‘bars Trump from entering' city

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Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump made headlines Monday after calling for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States", but now it’s St. Petersburg, Fla. Mayor Rick Kriseman’s response to Trump’s suggestion that really has people talking.

According to Trump, his proposed ban would last “until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on”, and as a result, Mayor Kriseman has called for a ban of his own.

“I am hereby barring Donald Trump from entering St. Petersburg until we fully understand the dangerous threat posed by all Trumps,” the @Kriseman account tweeted just after 7 p.m. Monday night. (SCROLL FOR TWEET)

It’s since gone viral, garnering more than 6,000 retweets and 7,500 likes in less than 12 hours. 

"Ya know, I think Mayor Kriseman is on to something here..." Sunnyvale, California's Mayor Jim Griffith said in a retweet.

"Way to go! A city worth visiting, a politician worth meeting," reads support from another Twitter account.  

But not everyone discussing the controversy online was in support of Mayor Kriseman. 

"I vacation there alot, you ban ban me and my family.. Let me know how tourism goes this year #Boycott," an account named "AngryAmericansUnited" said. 

The reply that remains to be seen, however, is from Trump himself. We'll be keeping track of the Twittersphere until then.