Dream job? Tropical resort seeks 'chief flamingo officer' | MY9 New Jersey

Dream job? Tropical resort seeks 'chief flamingo officer'

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A new resort in the Bahamas is looking for a qualified person to be its CFO -- "chief flamingo officer."

The new Baha Mar resort needs a person who can take care of it resident flock of flamingos, which are expected to arrive later this spring.  

The CFO will presumably stay in employee housing located on the 1,000-acre resort. The flamingos’ digs will be slightly fancier -- a specially designed habitat known as the "flamingo mansion."

Flamingos are the national bird of the Bahamas, and the CFO will have a big job -- including protecting and caring for the birds, as well as designing and creating innovative guest experiences.

LINK: Read listing & apply

The resort’s human resources website was down Friday, possibly due to worldwide interest in the unique position.  But Travel & Leisure reports that applicants need a degree in zoology or comparable field experience, a minimum of five years working with exotic birds and at least one year of experience as a supervisor or manager.

Applications are being accepted until the end of the month.