Cosby lookalike now flinches at recognition

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Bill Cosby's fall from grace isn't just a Hollywood scandal.

It's a personal problem for Jersey City resident Ken Martin, 63, who bears a striking resemblance to the actor.

"Throughout my life it was always a pleasant thing. People would make their recognition and start a conversation, speak to me, whatever, and it's just been a fun thing that I've lived with most of my life," Martin said. 

But now the resemblance is a burden.

For over a decade, allegations of sexual abuse have been swirling and dozens of women have accused Cosby of either drugging them, sexually assaulting them or both.

Martin said he was disturbed by the accusations.

"I thought, no way, and then as more and more people came along I thought, well, all right, we need to find a definitive answer to this situation. I don't know if we're going to get it but it's disturbing and it's a sad situation,” Martin stated.

He added that he now flinches when someone mistakes him for Cosby.

It was not easy getting Martin to agree to an interview. He did so only because he wants to bring attention to violence against women.

He’s involved with an organization that addresses the issues, known as WomenRising.

“…they do good work in terms of supporting women against things like domestic violence, and drug abuse, they do job training and job placement, and they try to provide safe homes for children,” Martin explained.  

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