Carrying around a joint would be okay in North Carolina if new bill passes
RALEIGH, NC (FOX 46 WJZY) - A new proposal in Raleigh would make it legal for people to carry four ounces of marijuana or less in North Carolina. That means carrying a joint would be okay.
Rep. Kelly Alexander (NC-107th) brought to the table House Bill 944 (H.B. 944). If it is passed, it would increase the amount of marijuana that may be legally possessed for personal use. It would also allow certain convictions for marijuana possession to be thrown out.
Learn more about H.B. 944 by clicking here or following the link:
This means there would be no punishment for having up to four ounces of marijuana. Anyone in possession of more would face a Class 1 misdemeanor.
RELATED: New bill could radically change North Carolina's marijuana laws
We received a number of calls into the FOX 46 newsroom on this topic. Many of the people who called in were in favor of legalizing pot.
"I think you should legalize [marijuana]. Many of our young black men will stop being locked up for carrying marijuana and stuff," one caller said.
"This is ludicrous that the State of North Carolina is so far being in trying to pass this law. It is also unnecessary to have teenagers locked up for the use of marijuana," another caller said.
While the first stages of that bill are underway, things are already in the process in South Carolina to get medical marijuana legalized. One of the biggest proponents of making medical cannabis legal in the Palmetto State is also a state senator.
"We want a true medical bill that puts medicine in the hands of people who need it under a doctor's supervision," State Sen. Thomas Davis (SC-46th) told FOX 46 in a previous interview.
RELATED: Medical marijuana could be legalized in South Carolina
Other advocates say medical cannabis is need to save lives and improve overall health in South Carolina.
Still, there's resistance.
"The largest pushback that we've received so far has been from law enforcement, mostly."
Agencies, like SLED and the Sheriff's Association, have declined to tell FOX 46 why they believe legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes would be wrong for the state.
An online petition has been started to decriminalize marijuana in North Carolina. To learn more, click here.