Welcome to Zaqistan, a sovereign nation bought on eBay

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Brooklynite Zaq Landsberg has taken the longing for space in New York City a step further creating his own sovereign nation in the middle of the desert.

Landsberg owns land in Utah, land that he bought over a decade ago on eBay for a couple hundred bucks.

“It’s remote, it’s desolate, it’s harsh, there’s little out there to support life and it takes an enormous amount of effort to get out there,” Landsberg said.

The harsh patch of desert is 50 miles from the nearest road and far from running water but has amassed over 150 citizens from around the world.

They have their own flag, its own animal that’s actually portrayed on the flag which is a large squid and even robots protecting the property.

Providing a bit of background on Landsberg may help you to understand where his motivation to create comes from.

Landsberg is an artist whose elaborate sculptures are meant to make a statement that may not make sense at first.

Likewise with his sovereign nation, Landsberg calls on people to not just accept what they see in front of them, but to look deeper.

One of the republic's slogans is "Something out of nothing."