Toll hike in effect Sunday
The Port Authority of NY and NJ is jacking up tolls again at bridge and tunnel crossings starting Sunday.
It's the last increase in a plan of five annual hikes that started in 2011.
"They're gonna get you either way, coming or going," said Hamilton motorist Nicholas Kostalas.
E-Z Pass users will see a 75 cent hike while cash drivers will pay $1 more.
That makes for a $15 crossing for those who pay cash and $10.50 to $12.50 for E-Z pass users depending on the day or hour.
Drivers are almost numb to it.
"That's a lot," said Bonnie Kuchmas of Hammonton. "That's more than any family can deal with. Yeah ... I just feel like that's ridiculous."
Reasons given for the hike in 2011 were that the money is needed for infrastructure improvements such as raising the Bayonne Bridge and building the World Trade Center transit hub. Those projects are over budget.
Crossings affected are the George Washington, Goethals and Bayonne bridges, the Outerbridge Crossing, and the Lincoln and Holland tunnels.