The church of Brotherly Hate
Members of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community held a vigil Tuesday outside the Atlah Worldwide Church in Harlem to protest its controversial signage.
Pastor James David Manning is known for his outspoken homophobic remarks and he had some strong takes on Pope Francis in advance of his New York arrival.
"I think he's come here to enforce the whole idea of sodomy -- to promote it," Manning told Chaser Sibile Marcellus, "He's here to give it it's highest praise in some very careful scripted ways that are Satanic."
Manning has been at odds with the LGBT community in Harlem for years, regularly putting up anti-gay signs outside his church and preaching homophobic sermons for his congregation.
Despite claims by many that his speech is hateful and incendiary, Atlahs signs and teachings are supported by the 1st Amendment.
Manning’s latest sign reads, “Obama is a Muslim. Muslims hate F*gs. They throw F*gs off buildings. The bible says throw them off too,” which caused a huge gay and lesbian community outcry.
“Stop the hate now!” Protestors shouted repeatedly, and Mannings response was, “You are a disgrace to humanity.”
“I’m just expressing religious freedom, why don’t they just leave me alone? Unless they think I’m a threat to their existence, which I am,” Manning claimed.
He’s being accused of hate, but Manning says he’s doing it out of love.